November 3, 2009

Lil Mayor Luke will continue to be Lil Mayor Luke

Lukey wins.


  1. There is always the campaign that could have been. If Acklin had joined the Harris campaign as his campaign manager and Franco had done some commercials for Dok ...

    But last time Ravenstahl (against the Republican DeSantis) won 63 point something to 34 point something. This time Ravenstahl could only get 55%, obviously enough to overturn split opposition, but still, ya gotta think, Ravenstahl is vulnerable. In either the 2013 primary or general, Ravenstahl might be thrown out. Assuming no indictments have been filed by then, or the City hasn’t sunk into bankruptcy.

  2. I know that many have said that one of them should have dropped out, but that's just not the way it works (unless maybe you're Scozzafava).

  3. Well, if we college students and grad students end up having our taxes raised $100/yr thanks to the asshat yinzers in this city, I'll have nobody to blame but ourselves (including me, even though I choose to remain registered in Florida because I feel my vote is worth a lot more there with respect to national issues than here).

  4. I moved back to the burgh from Denver. I was active in kevin Acklin's failed bid. Pittsburgh is a lost city with no direction. Good luck sir luke. I would place bids on the bet that your little itty bitty hillside mind will never have the ability to meet Pittsburgh's urgent economic and social needs... CYA...

  5. Pittsburgh is a lost cause.. Will for our life time be a city caught in THE ZONE.. No growth no immigration. plus the city is headed up by a meat head with no political support. Hello Columbus ! So sad...

  6. Verbanec did it. Verbanec bought the election. The fix was in. (Cough, sputter).

    Seriously, the two challengers (one too many) needed to run MUCH better campaigns to have any shot at all. "Vote for me, I'm not Luke" doesn't work....yet. Put the blame where it belongs, but be gentle because Acklin and Harris each just flushed some cash down the crapper.

  7. Because turnout was so low, I should not have drawn the conclusion I did above. The only thing I think we can really say is that neither of the two challengers got people excited enough to get them to come to the polling places. That there were two running is a factor (it just about assured neither would have a chance because of one drawing votes off the other), but the most important thing is 23% turnout.

    We shouldn’t need Franco (Dok) Junior or Kevin the populist progressive to get us excited about elections. But since both Dok and Kevin didn’t have enough to their campaigns, we didn’t even have that.
