November 3, 2009

Tribune Review. Again

From today's "Tuesday Takes" we find:
The Allegheny Institute's Jake Haulk reminds that because Pittsburgh largely was bypassed by the national employment growth of the last decade, it did not have the private-sector housing and commercial building booms that went bust in other parts of the country. "But that does not mean the city should try to avoid strong growth in the future," he says.

Mr. Haulk cautions, however, that continuing problems with the city school district and basic city governance issues -- along with an "uninviting business climate" -- mean only "anemic" economic gains are on the horizon. Bottom line: Mediocrity does not a renaissance make.

No mention of the $375,000 in grant money ($125K in 2006, 2007 and 2008) from the Allegheny Foundation - a foundation controlled by Richard Mellon Scaife, owner and publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review.

Or the $360,000 in grant money ($110K in 2006 and $250K in 2008) from the Carthage Foundation - a foundation controlled by Richard Mellon Scaife, owner and publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review.

Or the $235,000 in grant money ($110K in 2006 and $125K in 2007) from the Sarah Scaife Foundation - a foundation controlled by Richard Mellon Scaife, owner and publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review.

For those keeping score that's $970,000 worth of support over the last 3 years and no mention of it when Scaife's editorial page quotes the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy.

The Scaife's journalistic circle jerk continues.

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