January 1, 2010

Potter Gets It Right. Again.

He writes. You read.

He begins:
We should have known.

We should have realized that it wasn't going to be this easy to pass a prevailing wage bill.

We should have known Luke Ravenstahl would pull something like this.
Then, after describing what happened (which the OPJ already did here) Potter continues:
If there is any justice in this city -- and maybe there isn't, at least if you're a service worker -- here's what will happen next. City Council will realize how badly it has been used. They will see this for what it is: a craven end-run around them, an insult not just to the city's legislature, but to the entire idea of a legislative process.

And on Monday, they will choose Bill Peduto as their next council president.
His reasoning:
Really, what other choice is there if council wants to be taken seriously? Ricky Burgess, Peduto's only real rival, launched his council presidency on the premise that council and the mayor's office should negotiate in good faith. But Ravenstahl's machinations have made it clear that the adminstration can't be trusted to do that. Burgess and Dowd, the only people to oppose a veto override, are teaming up on Burgess' presidential bid. Supporting Burgess' candidacy now amounts to approving of Ravenstahl's underhanded tactics.
So we'll see what happens this week.

Chris, as always, you're right.

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