January 3, 2010

Tell me something I don't know

  • 2000s a ‘lost decade’ for U.S. economy, workers
    - Worst for the U.S. economy in modern times by a wide range of data

    - Zero net job growth

    - Slowest rise in economic output since the 1930s

    - Middle-income families making less in 2008, when adjusted for inflation, than they did in 1999

    - The first decade since the 1960s that median incomes have fallen

  • Banks Roll Out New Check, Card Fees

  • Living on Nothing but Food Stamps: "About one in 50 Americans now lives in a household with a reported income that consists of nothing but a food-stamp card." [snip] "One in eight Americans now receives food stamps, including one in four children."

    spork_incident said...

    Since Democrats - Clinton and Obama - held the White House for the entire decade it's their fault.

    Or something.


    David said...


    I'm going to have to stop you there.

    You're oh so conveniently omitting a few things:

    --Bush kept us safe for 8 years!

    --Bush inherited the recession of 2001 from the corrupt Clinton Administration.

    --Our recent economic troubles all occurred during the current socialist administration.

    Sheesh - do I have to do ALL the fact-checking here?!?!!?!

    e b bortz said...

    Here's a growing trend worth noting: millions of voters across the country are abandoning the Democrats, Republicans, and the corporate media. They are choosing to be independents, Greens (and other parties), and tuned in to alternative media.

    stop the wars, bailouts, make healthcare a human right, provide green jobs & living wages, save the planet...yes, for this you will need to build forms outside of the Dem/Repub/Corporate Sphere.

    a new year, a new beginning!