February 18, 2010

On the Spot

From the folks @ On the Spot:
A fundraiser on February 22 will kick off On the Spot, a new campaign to raise money to provide menstrual products to girls in local public schools. Many local students do not have access to proper menstrual products for various reasons, including economic hardship and disrupted family situations. Teachers, nurses and administrators at the schools do their best to provide the products, but pay for them out of their own pockets. Even more heartbreaking, young girls stay home from school while menstruating. How can these girls receive a proper education if they are missing multiple days every month or are distracted and stressed while in school?

On the Spot is an independent project of Jennifer England and Desiree VanTassel in conjunction with Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania Education Department. All funds raised will be donated to Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania and used to purchase supplies.
Event Details:
Join Us for the Inaugural On The Spot Happy Hour Fundraiser!

Monday, February 22
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Over the Bar Cafe
2518 East Carson St.

DJ Mary Mack, Kellee Maize, Silent Auction, Drink Specials ($2 Yeunglings, $3 drafts, and $4 On the Spot Cosmo), and Cookie Table

$10 or $5 and a box of supplies (pads preferred)
And here I thought that this was only a problem in places like Africa. Help out anyway you can. You can still make a donation if you can't make the event.

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