March 23, 2010

Jason's Got A Problem (Part II)

From the newly refurbished Early Returns 2.0:
Irate at Rep. Jason Altmire’s vote against the health care legislation, Jack Shea, the president of the Allegheny County Labor Council, said he is considering a challenge the McCandless Democrat in either the primary or general elections.
Seems that Jason the Dino had a few conversations with Shea that seem to conflict with his vote.

First, there's Jason's weaselly:
Describing Mr. Shea as “a friend,’’ Mr. Altmire said, “The conversation that he is referring to took place in November,'' after Mr. Altmire’s initial vote against the House version of the health care legislation.

“At that time I said, ‘look I’m going to keep at this. I have every expectation that we’re going get to something that I can vote for’ … we didn’t get to a place were I could do that.’’
What conversation? Here's Jack:
[Shea] said that his consideration of a challenge was a response not just to the Mr. Altmire’s health care vote itself but also to his belief that Mr. Altmire had misled him and other labor leaders on his plans on the legislation.

“He didn’t keep his word,’’ Mr. Shea said. “I’m not the only one that he committed to. He told [Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President] Bill George the same thing. He told [USW President] Leo Gerard. … What he said very plainly was, at the end, the final bill, he would be there.

Referring to the failed health care push during the Clinton administration, when Mr. Altmire, as a congressional staffer worked with the administration’s health care task force, Mr. Shea claimed that the congressman had assured him that, “He said he was around [when] they walked away empty handed he wasn’t going to do that again.’’
We know Jason's lost the P-G but has he lost labor, too?

Jason the Dino's got a problem.


  1. The primary filing deadline has passed already, hasn't it?

  2. He'd have to run as a write-in in the primary or run as an Independent in November.

  3. My Congressman Jason Altmire is pro-life and Pro-gun.
    No wonder You, the PG and Jack Shea.
    I would love for the union hack Jack Shea to run.
    I would ask him about during the 2004 election, He stated that the misery index was at a all-time
    high. When he explained it, it sounded like the John Kerry Middle-Class Misery Index.

    John Kerry Middle-Class Misery Index

    The real Misery Index

    Funny that John Kerry pulled down his BS Misery Index from his website. (along with his Military records).

  4. Well, let me say first I don't have a dog in this race. I'm not all that thrilled with Doyle, but that is a discussion for another time.

    My guess is that a labor leader might have a shot in the (Democratic) primary, but I would question his viability in the general. It depends on how many union retirees would turn out for him.

    I don't know Jack Shea from Adam. He may well be a hack, although I am disinclined to just take HTTT word for it with no independent verification. And this business about the misery index, again there might be something there, but it would take more time than I willing to devote to it to find out. I will just say that the "real" misery index is from 2004. regardless of the source of the numbers and conclusions then, we might feel different now.

    In any event, the deadline has passed to be placed on the ballot officially, and Shea has obviously done zero campaigning. I suspect Altmire is right that a lot of his district was against the HCR reform bill. Maybe enough of them are Democrats that will continue to vote for Altmire.

  5. I am disinclined to just take HTTT word for it with no independent verification.
    What don't you believe?
    A) The John Kerry campaign came up with a cherry-picked bogus Middle-Class Misery Index.
    B) Or that Jack Shea unquestionably repeated the bogus talking point using the bogus Middle-Class Misery Index.

  6. It does seem as if Altmire has painted himself in a corner here. The Republican base is fired up and wasn't going to vote for him in the first place and the Democrats certainly aren't going to campaign/donate to/or vote for him now.

  7. Well, HTTT, good research on A). I would point out that Kerry was entirely clear about what the sources of his numbers for his "middle class" misery index were, and I would say he had some points. Stereotypically people do seem to complain about health care costs, the price of gas and the price of sending kids to college. The stereotype used to include the price of meat, but that evidently isn't an issue now (instead it is our waistlines). And as Annenberg points out, Kerry did cherry pick the worst higher ed numbers he could find. Ironically, I suspect the increases at private colleges/Universities have now caught up with the publics.

    A quick check shows the current misery index shows it is the highest it has been since 1990, but not nearly as high as it was in the early eighties. If Shea was talking about the real misery index in 2004, then yeah, he got it wrong. But as I say, the index is kinda high now. It might be lower now if Obama hadn't tried to throw the Republicans a bone on the stimulus (compounded by Senate Democrats caving to the three Republicans in exchange for their votes).

    In any event, it is a talking point for Republicans (or conservative Democrats) if Shea runs as a write in, and if nominated, then for the general election.

  8. Here's a new word: "lobbitician", defined a lobbist-turned-politician who protects the interests of the same industry in both jobs. (see separate entry for 'Altmire, Jason').

    Jason betrayed us to protect his corporate benefactors. And to think I've voted, contributed and volunteered for this weasel in the past.

    Where can I contribute to Jack Shea's campaign?

  9. Here's a new word: "lobbitician", defined a lobbist-turned-politician who protects the interests of the same industry in both jobs. (see separate entry for 'Altmire, Jason').

    Jason betrayed us to protect his corporate benefactors. And to think I've voted, contributed and volunteered for this weasel in the past.

    Where can I contribute to Jack Shea's campaign?

  10. If you're a Union member, you already do.

    I hope this blowhard does get into the race. I can't wait to see him spit and sputter and take votes away from Altmire. As a Republican, I couldn't write a better script.

    Interesting question - It is 'accepted practice' for office holders to remain in their current office (and being paid) while running for another (usually higher office). Does Shea work for someone other than the Union? If so, I truly hope that employer says "Work. Or, quit." Who is this guy's employer?
