August 4, 2010

Big Sestak Fundraiser in Pittsburgh

In case -- unlike me -- you haven't already received a dozen Facebook invitations to this event, there's an August 16th fundraiser for Rep. Joe Sestak's Senate race.

Sponsors include: Hugh McGough & Kris Rust, 7th Ward Democratic Committee, 14th Ward Democratic Committee, 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club, 19th Ward Independent Democratic Club, 29th Ward Democratic Committee, Gertrude Stein Political Club, NOW PAC, Pennsylvania Young Democrats, Quaker Valley Democratic Organization, South End Active Democrats, Steel City Stonewall Democrats, and Young Democrats of Allegheny County plus a host of hosts of who's who in Pittsburgh progressive Democratic circles.

WHAT: Fundraising Event with Congressman Joe Sestak, PA Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate
WHEN: Monday, August 16, 2010, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
WHERE: Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, 6300 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232

Details of the event, including a .PDF of the full invitation, can be found at the 19th Ward Independent Democratic Club website (I know because I'm the webmaster there).

You can RSVP to Lindsey Bailet at: or call 610-891-8956.

You can contribute online for this event here.


  1. Off topic, but California's Prop 8 ruled unConstitutional. I'm sure it will be appealed, and given the makeup of the Supreme court....
