August 27, 2010

Free Screening of Gasland Tonight @ Frick Park

Via Progress Pittsburgh:
Friday, August 27th

Pittsburg, PA

Venue: Frick Park, Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Directions at:

Rain: In the event of rain, this event will be held on Saturday, August 28th

7:00 PM: Doors Open

7:30 PM: Live Music

8:15 PM: Film Begins

9:30 PM: Q&A with Director Josh Fox and Local Organizations

There is no admission charge for this show. For more information, please visit:


  1. My long comment disappeared in 503 (I think) error.

    This is the part of Frick park on Beechwood with the "Blue Slide" playground, near Nicolson St and Allderdice.

  2. Maria, thanks for posting this.

    This morning I rec'd notice that Homeland Security's been watching anti Marcellus chatter on the internet all summer long...

    What a great use of our tax dollars.

  3. Can't see it tonight, and HBO doesn't release its original films to Amazon VOD or iTunes as soon as I would like them to, so I guess it's BitTorrent for me.

  4. Gloria,

    Wow! That's truly disgusting.

  5. Ed,

    Thanks for the additional info.

  6. Joshua,

    Thanks for mentioning that it's available for free download.

    You can download it at StageVu for example (via Bram).

  7. (I'm just trying to fatten my FBI file with all these comments.)
