September 10, 2010

Oh Lord!

Billboard near the crash site of Flight 93

Nothing like using the tragedy of Flight 93 to make your political/religious point.

While this is certainly constitutionally-protected speech, if there were, say, Punctuation Police (or Style/Taste Police) heads would roll.

I am cringing now imagining that First Ladies Michelle Obama and Laura Bush might see this on their way to the memorial tomorrow.

And, is it just me or does it look like the plane is landing on the head of Jesus rather than him holding it aloft, which of course if he had, there would be no need for a memorial.


(H/T to A Spork in the Drawer who saw this at Joe.My.God.)


  1. The only logical conclusion to draw from this billboard is that the sponsors hold Jesus personally responsible for the crash of Flight 93. If they blame Jesus, how can't I?

  2. I guess the apostrophe replaces the missing "e" (and that whoever wrote this was home-schooled).

  3. Lyon Advocate,

    I had some problems posting my comment so I missed yours before mine appeared. I just wanted to say that your logic is flawless.

