September 19, 2010

Scenes from Day One @ PodCamp Pittsburgh 5

PodCamp 5 continues today (schedule here -- live streaming at that link). Unfortunately prior commitments will prevent me from attending today's sessions, but here's some photos from yesterday.

The Keynote Address:

PodCamp Pittsburgh Co-organizer Norman Huelsman.

Pittsburgh City Councilor Bill Peduto.
(Links from his opening session here)

Other Sessions:

PodCamp Pittsburgh co-founder Justin Kownacki
(Something to be Desired) had one of the most well
attended sessions. This is from the overflow room.

Tim Lessick of Pittsburgh Human Rights Network from
the Echoing Activism Through Social Media session.

Brian Honigman of Sampsonia Way Magazine
also from the Echoing Activism session.

Political Blogging: A Panel Discussion:

This was the session moderated by 2 Political Junkies' very own David DeAngelo. Other panelists included: me (Maria Lupinacci); Bram Reichbaum, The Pittsburgh Comet; Sue Kerr, Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents; and Frances Monahan, Ms. Mon's Salon.

Thanks to all those who attended our presentation!

Here are some photos of our audience. Can you spot the local MSM?

KDKA's Traffic and Transportation Reporter Jim Lokay
and Newsradio 1020 KDKA Anchor/Reporter Matt DelSignore.

KDKA Money & Politics Editor, KDKA Sunday Business
Page host and prolific tweeter Jon Delano.

WTAE's Bob Mayo (live spot news, government
coverage and political reporting) and blogger
@ The Busman's Holiday.

Ultimate "liberal's" gift basket which we awarded in
a random drawing to an audience member. The Mao
Tse-tung statue came from the desk of Pittsburgh
City Paper Editor Chris Potter (complete with a
letter of authenticity). It also appeared on a City
Paper cover for their War of Words story:

We'll put up a link to the podcast of our session once it's been posted.

Finally, some shout-outs:
  • Nice to meet you, Jason! Thanks for reading us. :-)

  • Here's a link to part three of Rich Lord's "Network" investigation for Carolyn.

  • Thanks to Ginny for her shout-out to 2pj (good to finally meet you).

    1. So ... who won the gift basket? Sorry I couldn't be there. Urgent family business -- i.e. floating down the Allegheny River with my father, my brother, and a case or two of beer -- intervened.

    2. Of course I didn't write down her name...Also, I don't see her in the photos. They were taken right before the event started.

      Maybe Ms. Mon remembers or maybe the winner will comment here.

    3. Yeah, Mr. Potter, she *mentioned* the Lesbian & Gay Film Festival passes and nothing about a statue. I'm just saying ... lesbian is the new liberal icon.

    4. Any chance I could get copies of the pics with me in them?

    5. BTW, will you be uploading pics to the Podcamp Pittsburgh group on Flickr?
