November 19, 2010

New TSA Grab & Grope Screening Posse Announced

It's possible that I may have my stories mixed up.

Be that as it may, if you have objections to the TSA's Naked Photos Vs. Grab & Grope policy, you can voice your complaints/sign a petition at the ACLU website.


  1. I have been watching this topic on the new all morning.

    Maybe I am over simplifying here, but, if you don't like it, don't fly.

  2. Right. Because people don't have to fly for their jobs, or for weddings or for funerals or for any other reason that you must go a long distance quickly. Let's pretend it's 1910.

  3. that's what tsa told me when they touched my vagina, my clitoris and my anus. All i did was pass thru the metal detector with a hip prosthesis. I even have a card that says I have a hip prosthesis. So, if I dont want to work, dont want to vist family, dont want to take a vacation, I dont have to subject myself to this. But just in case you are wondering, this is the reaction I had to being touched in this manner. I started to tremble, and then my face turned bright red and I started to tear up, and then as I flinched when my labia was touched I was told to stand still. The tears finally came as they put their hands inside my shirt and down my pants. And then, I couldn't stop shaking or crying. By the way. I had this same reaction when I was groped on a subway. I was told to deal with it or i didnt have to fly. I had a completely normal, completely traumatic reaction to this. So, Pgh Knight,. I guess you are right. you ARE oversimplifying here.

  4. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    What part of that do you not understand, Pgh Knight?

  5. Production,

    I am so sorry you were put through this!

    Sexual assault survivors are having PTSD attacks dealing with these searches.

    Then there's the man whose search was so rough, the cap on his urostomy bag came off, spilling urine on him and the woman who was forced to show her prosthetic breast.

    But more importantly, what Froth said.
