January 18, 2011

Pennsylvania Progressive Summit is this weekend

Just a reminder that the Pennsylvania Progressive Summit is this weekend in Pittsburgh (January 22-23, Sheraton Station Square, 300 Station Square, Pittsburgh PA).

The keynote speaker is Rev. Jesse Jackson. Other featured speakers include: Rep. Raul Grijalva (D, AZ), Jim Dean, Joe Sestak, Wendell Potter, Darcy Burner, Eileen Connelly, Patrick Murphy, Leo Gerard, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), Michael Morrill, and State Sen. Daylin Leach.

Musical guests include Jasiri X and Boca Chica.

There are numerous workshops, sessions and roundtables including this one:
Blogging as a Tool for Communicating Progressive Ideas
Sunday, 2:30PM-3:40PM, Elwood 2

PANELISTS: John Morgan, The Pennsylvania Progressive blog; Thomas Waters, thomascwaters.com blog; Maria Lupinacci, 2 Political Junkies blog; Barbara White Stack, blog editor for the USW blog
You still have three days left to register here.

1 comment:

  1. Just noticed this due to a Google Alert - I'll see you there! :-)
