March 22, 2011

I Would Be Remiss If I Didn't Say:

Happy Birthday JS!

(One day late, sorry)

Yesterday was the birthday of the greatest contrapuntist contrapuntalist counterpointer contrapuntal composer in the history of western music.

Ya don't think so? Give a listen:

Wait - there's one more:

Happy Birthday, Jack!


  1. OK. You are bloggers after my own heart. What would politics be without a bit of Bach thrown in? And I, who love him, missed his birthday. Many many thanks for this post. I will take a few minutes this weekend for some Goldberg Variations...(I have to say I loved the high school video above too. That feathered out it may come back...)

  2. well bach is always bach, very nice choice, the trompets are really shoft and calm...
