May 2, 2011

They're Taking Credit Already

Just watched a few minutes of Fox And Friends this morning and they're already taking credit for the death of Osama bin-Laden.

Steve Doocey, Brian Kilmeade and Gretchen Carlson interviewed retired New York City firefighter Tim Brown on this story. And in case you're wondering, Brown's been on Fox before. Here he is arguing against the so-called Ground Zero Mosque (which, let's all remember, wasn't a Mosque and it wasn't at Ground Zero - but who cares about facts when you're smearing on Fox?):

Given his position on the (non) Mosque (not) at Ground Zero, perhaps we can guess Brown's general position here. And of course this is Fox and we know that they're up to.

And he and Fox and Friends certainly delivered this morning. Here's their story: Given that the intelligence regarding the courier that eventually led the intelligence community to bin Laden's compound was initially learned 4 years ago, credit has to be given to the previous administration for it (meaning Bush and not Obama) for it. Kilmeade further went on to say that that intelligence was gathered during the "enhanced interrogations" that some have complained about (meaning the illegal waterboarding).

The bottom line from Fox and Friends: The Bush Administration (through its brave use of torture) is ultimately responsible for finally bringing Osama bin Laden to justice.

The Bastards.


  1. there is no doubt that this operation to find and kill Bin Laden was one continual effort...there wasn't the Bush operation or the Obama was a US military operation.

  2. Info obtained from Gitmo provided a name of the courier who was shadowed until he lead the Seals to bin Laden.....

  3. rich,

    If they used signals intelligence, or human sources on the ground, do you think they would share that information with the public, and risk compromising an active source?

    Or, would they say, instead, that the key was information from someone known to be long since in custody....

  4. lets see if the reward gets dished out

  5. rich(ie), Bush made a point of telling us that he didn't care about bin Laden or where he was. What kind of message did that send to our troops, who had joined up and were in Afghanistan and Iraq fighting to keep America safe from the terrorists who had perpetrated 9/11?

    Yeah, I know, Obama deserves no credit because Bush did everything right.

  6. ed...nope i give credit to BHO
