June 25, 2011

March for Justice for Jordan Miles: Today at 1:00pm

Time: Saturday, June 25 · 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Freedom Corner (Center and Crawford) Across from old Civic Arena
March for Justice for Jordan Miles
June 25 at 1:00pm
Gather at Freedom Corner (Crawford and Centre)

*Please forward widely*

Join the Alliance for Police Accountability to demand:

Prosecute Richard Ewing, David Sisak, and Michael Saldutte!
Release the Office of Municipal Investigations report to the public!
Fire the three officers!

On January 12, 2010, Jordan Miles was attacked by three undercover police officers while he was walking to his grandmother’s house in Homewood. The officers punched and kicked Jordan, and even ripped the dreadlocks off of his head. Jordan was not committing any crime; he was targeted simply for being a young Black man in Homewood.

The Department of Justice announced on May 4th that it would not press federal charges against the officers guilty of this racist act of brutality: Richard Ewing, David Sisak and Michael Saldutte. The same day, Police Chief Nate Harper announced that they would be reinstated and put back on the streets. However, the struggle for justice for Jordan Miles is by no means over.

Regardless of the Department of Justice’s decision, District Attorney Stephen Zappala still has the power to prosecute Ewing, Sisak and Saldutte, and has not yet announced what he intends to do. Hugely successful demonstrations were held every week in May, but the people of Pittsburgh need to continue to mobilize and keep up the pressure on city officials. The DA could make a decision at any time, so this is an especially critical moment in the struggle for justice. Join the Alliance for Police Accountability and its allies for a march from Freedom Corner to the Allegheny County Courthouse.

For more information: bsfish27@aol.com or 412-628-5849

In addition to marching, call DA Zappala at 412-350-4400 and demand that he file criminal charges against the police who brutalized Jordan Miles
Facebook RSVP: Here

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