July 28, 2011

Batman Celebrity Sighting in Pittsburgh Today!

Two bits of non-political news.

First, I had lunch at Las Velas today and my lunch was muy sabrosa.

Then, as I was walking back to my office, I saw this guy:
That's Gary Oldman. He's playing Jim Gordon in the upcoming Batman movie set to start filming here tomorrow.

I was thrilled to see him as I've been a fan for a long long time. And I really wanted to take his picture but as he was wearing his "no pictures" t-shirt (as seen above) I decided against it. On the one hand, I thought as we were in public I could probably snap a picture or two. On the other, I thought the man's played both Sid Vicious and Ludwig van Beethoven so if he didn't want his picture taken, that's fine with me. A blogger I am, a paparazzi I ain't.

The man's earned some private space - even on a public sidewalk.

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