August 18, 2011

I didn't know we were up for this, but now that I do: Please vote for us!

"CBS Pittsburgh's
Most Valuable Blogger Awards 2011
Everything Else:

2 Political Junkies"

Vote here:

(And, then click on "Local Affairs" and vote for The Pittsburgh Comet.)

UPDATE: Uh oh! I see That's Church is in the same category. Never mind.

UPDATE #2: Apparently, there's also an "Editor’s Choice" award in each category (rules here), so vote for us daily until September 9th. Thanks!


  1. Thanks for the shout. Take heart, there is a popular vote award and there is an "editor's choice" award for each category. Maybe a strong healthy enough showing in the vote will sway an editor to your side.

  2. Surely..If one has power then no one can stop from winning..All The Best...

  3. Everyone on your blogroll should vote as early and as often as possible. Put me on yours Bram & I'll be glad to return the favor. I'll put you on mine.
