August 1, 2011

Pittsburgh City Council passes bill to hold anti fracking referendum 6-3

Pittsburgh City Council Bill 1939 (anti fracking referendum) passes 6-3.

On the downside, we can expect a doubling of those ubiquitous Range Resources TV ads...


  1. Ooh! PLEASE let there be political ads on this ballot question! =D

  2. Not sure where the $ for anti fracking ads would come from...

  3. Exactly. I'm thinking classic Enough-rope-to-hang-themselves conditions.

  4. We would not have ads. We would continue to do what we do and go door to door and speak in our own communities about the inherent public health risk, the industry's lies, and what is at stake for our quality of life now and in years to come. No ads are needed since we actually have facts, and not spin and talking points, on our side.
    Mr. Reichbam, you can keep the rope for yourself.

  5. Y'all might find this interesting:
