September 8, 2011

Pod Camp Update!

Guess what?

I'll be speaking at PodCamp this year.

Actually, it'll be a discussion I'll be having with Congressman Mike Doyle on how social media (blogs, facebook, twitter, etc) have changed how members of Congress and Congress as a whole do their jobs. While it'll be a political discussion on a political entity, it won't be a partisan discussion of how:
  • Those evil Republicans in Washington and their enablers in the media have ruined the country or how
  • Those evil Democrats in Washington and their enablers in the media have ruined the country.
You wanna have those discussions (and I wouldn't blame you if you do), go have them someplace else. The Congressman and I will be discussing how changing technologies have shaped how members of Congress communicate.

Some other sessions of note:Check the PodCamp website for more info.

See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Mike Doyle is a great advocate for Single Payer healthcare. I will be there. I will be presenting on statistics and social media on Saturday at 1. Presenting Data via Blogs and Social Media (Paul Ricci) | Pittsburgh Podcamp
