March 20, 2012

Sally Kalson's Modest Proposal

An idea whose time has come. Guys, this one's for you:
"I solemnly swear to abstain from sexual intercourse with any and all human females, paid or unpaid, regardless of age, ethnicity, national origin and marital status, including my own wife, who hasn't let me near her anyway since this whole birth control thing began.

"I further swear to hold my sperm sacred for its zygote-creating potential and to account for every single one my body produces, verified by monthly tests and exams.

"My employer has the right to question me and see the test results, in order to avoid providing medical coverage for behavior he finds morally objectionable."
Read Kalson's entire article here.


  1. "I further swear to hold my sperm sacred for its zygote-creating potential and to account for every single one my body produces, verified by monthly tests and exams.
    Someone does not understand the phrase "life begins at conception"
    How about I account for the sperms that fertilized an egg.

  2. HTTT, someone does not understand the word "responsibility".

    How about you keep any sperms from fertilizing any eggs.

    How about guys take responsibility for a change? Instead of telling women they have to have a device inserted in their vagina, and look at the potential life they have already thought about, agonized over, but had forced on them by the guy who slipped a ruffie (spelling?) in their drink.

  3. HttT,

    Sorry, spilling seed is a sin.

    I think we should spend Government time and money preventing that.
