November 9, 2012

NON-POLITICAL Announcement

Well, mostly non-political...

The election is over.  Obama won.  Facts won.  Arithmetic won.

Now it's time for a giggle or two.

My friend Dr. Goddess is putting on a show - this Saturday night.

Who's Dr. Goddess?  From her website:
Kimberly C. Ellis, Ph.D., is affectionately known as "Dr. Goddess,” and a true Renaissance Woman. She is a writer, an entertainer, an entrepreneur, a scholar (of American and Africana Studies), and an activist. Dr. Goddess engages social media to promote a new age liberation ideology undergirded by revolutionary love and uses art, humor, scholarship and politics to do it.
About the show, she says it's the first time she's incorporated stand up into a performance and she pictures it as a conversation of sorts between herself and the audience, full of improv and poetry.  She told me:
Everything about this election and what's happened in the last four years, especially, is up for grabs! We're going to laugh at Democrats, Republicans, Independents, the Media and ourselves. No one is safe.

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