October 4, 2013

Keith Rothfus And The Suicide Caucus

By the way, the "suicide" rhetoric come not from the left but from the right - Charles Krauthammer:
Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative columnist and regular Fox News panelist Charles Krauthammer warned over the weekend that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was leading Republicans on a “suicide” mission to defund President Barack Obama’s health reform law with an attempted government shutdown.
“It would be over a cliff for the GOP,” Krauthammer said on Sunday’s edition Inside Washington. “I admire the sincerity and the passion of those who don’t want to pass the budget unless you get rid of Obamacare, but it is utterly impossible in the real world. And the only thing it will do is to undo all the gains the Republicans have made over the past year, and undo their very real chances of having great successes next year.”

“I think it’s a suicide caucus, and I hope enough of them will realize that so that [House Speaker John Boehner] will have a majority, even if it’s a bare majority, to pass a continuing resolution,” he added.
Recently, the P-G called out some local House Members on their tea-party affiliations:
The shutdown of the federal government shouldn't be dismissed in the cliched terms of "those people in Washington." Some of those people live right here. They are our members in the dysfunctional House of Representatives who have now exported their dysfunction to the nation.

Republican Reps. Keith Rothfus of Sewickley, Tim Murphy of Upper St. Clair, Mike Kelly of Butler and Bill Shuster of Blair County -- we're talking about you.

Do you think of yourselves as extremists? No? Then what are you doing siding with Tea Party radicals who have dragged the Republican Party to one extreme -- shutting down the federal government -- and who may embrace the ultimate craziness, default on the federal debt later this month?
There's one name on that list that also shows up on this letter to Speaker Boehner: Keith Rothfus.

Apart from signing a letter that contains this gut shearing bit of historical revisionism:
Moreover, the Internal Revenue Service, an agency now publicly known to have deliberately discriminated against conservative entities, pro-Israel groups and other organizations...
Yea, as we already know those "other organizations" were liberal groups.  But let's move on to this:
Since much of the implementation of ObamaCare is a function of the discretionary appropriations process, including the operation of the “mandatory spending” portions of the law, and since most of the citizens we represent believe that ObamaCare should never go into effect, we urge you to affirmatively de-fund the implementation and enforcement of ObamaCare in any relevant appropriations bill brought to the House floor in the l l31h Congress, including any continuing appropriations bill.
So one of the local people we have to thank for the guv'ment shut down is Representative Keith Rothfus, we should let him know how good a job we think he's doing.

Or we could, except it doesn't look like he accepts email from outside his district.

Here's his DC info:
Washington, D.C. Office
503 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2065
Fax: (202) 225-5709
Hours: 8:30AM - 6:00PM
We should all call him and thank him for helping to shut down the guv'ment.

1 comment:

  1. Representative Keith Rothfus, we should let him know how good a job we think he's doing.
    As he represents my district I would but he asks for my address for what I guess is for a mailing list.

    Hey look your rep dishonest demagogue Mike Doyle doesn't accepts email from outside his district.
    Maybe you should complain to him too.

    the Internal Revenue Service, an agency now publicly known to have deliberately discriminated against conservative entities, pro-Israel groups and other organizations... Yea, as we already know those "other organizations" were liberal groups.

    You should keep up with the Media Matters/MSDNC talking points now that we know it was not just a few "rogue employees" but came from the top is the IRS did nothing wrong.
    Which liberal groups had to turn over their donor lists and/or wait over 2 years for a answer?
