November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

I hope everyone reading this has much to be thankful for! I am thankful for my family, my friends, for having a roof over my head and a turkey in the oven. I'm thankful that our city government is about to be transformed. But, unfortunately for too many in America, this is the reality:
In the U.S. 49.7 Million Are Now Poor, and 80% of the Total Population Is Near Poverty
Evidence mounting that poverty causes lasting physical and mental health problems for children  
More Than 600,000 Americans Are Homeless On Any Given Night  
Food Banks Plead for Piece of a Diminishing Federal Funding Pie
Walmart asks its workers to donate their fellow workers
McDonald's advises its workers to break up their food into smaller pieces to try to satisfy their hunger and to sell their Christmas gifts on eBay for much-needed cash 
A Galveston medical student describes life and death in the so-called safety net 
The Nation details how "Inequality Is (Literally) Killing America" 
And,  Linda Tirado explains "...Why Poor People's Bad Decisions Make Perfect Sense"
May you be one of the lucky ones!

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