November 21, 2013

Why Senate Majority Leader Reid had to go nuclear in one easy chart

(Via Twitter)
Thanks, Harry! (If you need more, it's here).


  1. You mean the evil Bush didn't keep sending up candidates that the Democrats would Filibuster?

    He sent candidates like the Tea party targeting IRS commissioner Steven Miller.

    Enjoy what the Dems said about the Nuclear option/
    Or Maria incontrovertibly offensive to women, offensive to rape survivors, and inexcusable comparing the 2005 compromise over the Senate Nuclear Option/Filibuster debate to rape.

  2. There were better ways to solve this,and the net impact is that the Democrats will be powerless to stop grossly unqualified nominees by the next Republican President.

    As the old saying goes, "be careful of what you ask for".

  3. HttT,

    Yep, I agree with you 100% that the rape reference is "incontrovertibly offensive to women, offensive to rape survivors, and inexcusable" and if you had any reading comprehension whatsoever, you'd see I was QUOTING YOUR SIDE! That was a quote from a post at Free Republic! Hence the QUOTATION MARKS and the link to Free Republic in the explanation of where the quote was taken from: "Well, that seems to be the Freeper response to last night's compromise over the Senate Nuclear Option/Filibuster debate."

  4. Stephen,

    I'm curious, what do you suggest would have been the better ways to solve this?

  5. Maria...

    The Dems didn't do NEARLY enough to publicize either the severity or the impact of the filibustering. I saw Majority Leader Reid's graphic today...why hasn't that graphic been plastered all over the place prior to now? Sure, this has been a DC issue for a while, but I just don't think enough was done to make the case to the public. Now, the Genie is out of the bottle and it WILL come back to bite the Dems once the GOP regains the While House. Let's just hope that's not someone like Ted Cruz.

    - Steve

  6. Don't see a lot of R's caring about public opinion...

  7. They all don't have to care...just enough to get a nominee through. This is a short-term win but a long-term loss.

  8. I tend to think there are no more long term wins. Were the long term the voting public's concern, incumbent reelection success rates wouldn't be as staggering as they are. All we seem to collectively remember when we hit the choose button is the preceding 3 months. If I'm the stage 3 cancer patient having a heart attack, screw the chemo, give me an aspirin.

  9. I'm pretty sure that if the filibuster were maintained, and the Republicans got control of the Senate and the Presidency, they would do away with the filibuster the moment a Democrat even suggests that a nominee might be blocked.
