May 7, 2014

She's Not Teh Only Crazie Conspiricist

From New York Magazine:
Lynn Cheney has a theory about why Monica Lewinsky wrote a long Vanity Fair essay about her experience with Bill Clinton: It’s because the Clintons wanted it. Cheney explains her suspicions. “I really wonder if this isn’t an effort on the Clintons’ part to get that story out of the way,” Cheney, announced on an interview on Fox News. “Would Vanity Fair publish anything about Monica Lewinsky that Hillary Clinton didn’t want in Vanity Fair?”
She's not the only one with teh crazie conspiracy.

I was listening to KDKA's Mike Pintek today and a caller called in and asked about what The Cheney/Vanity Fair conspiracy and he said  that "there may be some truth" to it.

Way to go, Mike.

For the record, Vanity Fair responded:
This highly sane and well-substantiated allegation demanded a response from the highest levels of Vanity Fair. So the Erik Wemple Blog put the question to Beth Kseniak, the magazine’s executive director of public relations. Her response: “Seriously?”
Again, way to go, Mike. You do your profession proud.

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