August 31, 2015


Hey, Mr. Vice President!

The P-G is reporting:
Vice President Joe Biden plans to travel to Pittsburgh for the city’s annual Labor Day festivities next Monday.
So, you wanna come over for a cup of coffee?

I mean, how often do you get to sit down at a kitchen table for a chat with a writer for one of Pittsburgh's oldest and most-read political blogs?

And, more importantly, I often would I get to sit down at a kitchen table for a chat with a sitting Vice President of the United States of America?

We can talk about:
  • Iran
  • The Supreme Court
  • Income inequality
  • Climate change
  • Any...uh...IMPORTANT DECISIONS you've made recently
  • Or anything else on your mind.
So, what do you say?  Doesn't even have to be coffee.  I can get us some Primanti's, no problem.

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