January 21, 2017

Pittsburgh Marches for Women

Hundreds of thousands of participants showed up at the Women's March on Washington today (still ongoing -- watch C-SPAN!) and tens of thousands showed up at women's marches in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh had not one, but two marches today for women (click here for more about that).

The sister march Women's March on Pittsburgh held downtown had a reported 25,000 attendees. Here are some photographs from 2pj's own David:

(Speakers included Allegheny County Controller Chelsa Wagner)

(David with Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto)

And, many hundreds showed up for the Our Feminism Must Be Intersectional Rally/March in East Liberty, a hollaback march to the one in D.C. Photographs are courtesy of Frances Sansig Rupp (pictured in last photo).

While none of these marches were specifically anti Trump, Fuck Trump.

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