August 25, 2017

Heckuva Job, Donnie!

The text reads:
With Hurricane Harvey approaching landfall, remember – the U.S.A is the most resilient NATION on earth, because we PLAN AHEAD. Preparedness is an investment in our future! – President Donald J. Trump.
So, if someone is in the path of the hurricane right now and, maybe, needs some help to prepare or to'll do what? You'll send them some MAGA swag once the water recedes and the Post Office starts to deliver the mail again?

The guv'ment certainly shouldn't help em! That's socialism!



  1. Hurricane Harvey is hitting Texas. Run by Republicans. That State Government can handle the disaster competently.

    But there is a Republican in the White House, incompetent Democratic Governors and mayors can blame the Feds when they screw up.

    Picture of flooded Buses in New Orleans.

  2. For some odd reason Media Matters, ThinkProgress, Crooks and Liars and Dayvoe are not interested in the Bundy story anymore.
    jury acquits in Nevada Bundy standoff
