October 31, 2018

Just Imagine If His Name Was Marwan

From today's Post-Gazette we get this:
Robert Bowers chose no party when he registered to vote in 1995, then associated with some of the region's more strident conservatives and finally ended his political evolution in one of the most extreme corners of the social media universe.

Mr. Bowers, 46, of Baldwin Borough, is now charged with 11 counts of homicide, six counts of attempted homicide, plus 29 federal counts in association with the Squirrel Hill shootings which have, since Saturday, come to dominate the national political discourse.
Followed shortly afterwards by this:
Archived internet records suggest that by 1999, and through 2006, Mr. Bowers was at least peripherally associated with the “Quinn in the Morning” radio show and host Jim Quinn's conservative "Warroom." Web domain archives show that Mr. Bowers ran onedingo.com, which purported to serve as the archives for Mr. Quinn's show.
In 2000, according to archived versions of warroom.com, the site's "sound guy" was "Rob," with the email address warroom@onedingo.com. Archived versions of the website warroom.com attribute the site’s encoding to "Rob Bowers."
Now let's do a little thought experiment, shall we?

Just imagine if the guy who killed all those people in Squirrel Hill was named, say, Marwan or Ahmed or Mohamed and he was connected in some way to some Islamic podcast some where.

How would our right wing friends be reacting right about now?

1 comment:

  1. "How would our right wing friends be reacting right about now?"
    See the Fort Hood, Draw Muhammad, Pulse Nightclub and San Bernardo shootings.
