February 28, 2019

It's The Beginning Of A Process. Crime, Fraud and 2020.

Representative Cummings had some careful words after yesterday's hearings.

He says, about two minutes twenty seconds in, that "This is not the end of a process but a beginning."

Representative AOC asked some great questions - the initial answers to which only require deeper questions regarding Trump's fraudulent finances:

Watch it all. Everything she said is important.

And finally at the end of the day, a dire warning:

He says, about one minute in, "I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power."


1 comment:

  1. Cohen recorded his conversations with Trump. But cannot produce the recording of him,Trump and Roger Stone colluding with WikiLeaks and Russia.

    "Representative Cummings had some careful words after yesterday's hearings."
    Same dude ran interference for the ATF/DOJ/IRS during their political abuses.
