April 10, 2019

POW! Donald Trump's a Hypocrite

Official Trump, on Tuesday:
On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, we honor the Americans captured and imprisoned by foreign powers while carrying out their duties to defend this great Nation. Throughout our history, hundreds of thousands of American service members have been held as prisoners of war (POWs), enduring harsh treatment, unforgiving conditions, and the anguish of being separated from their families. These brave Americans are true patriots, and their inspiring legacy of selfless courage is a testament to their fierce spirit, unshakeable loyalty, and enduring resilience.
As a Nation, we must never forget or take for granted the traumatic ordeals of our former POWs. With honor and valor, they served to keep our country safe, and they stayed the course — despite conditions that were often harsh and agonizing.
Candidate Trump:

This is what he said of Senator John McCain:
He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.
Donald Trump is an asshole.

And he's been one for some time.  Take a look at this from 1999:
This is what he said of Senator John McCain:
The question is, does being captured make you a hero? I don't know.
Donald Trump is an asshole.

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