March 26, 2020

Wendy Bell Made It Onto Talkingpointsmemo!

In this piece (reprinted from propublica) that was given this Headline:
Even After Trump Declared a National Emergency, Some Talk Radio Hosts Weren’t Convinced

In the last two weeks, several of the most-listened-to conservative hosts were telling millions of listeners that they should ignore the “hype” and that the coronavirus is no worse than the seasonal flu.
After discussions of conservative radio hosts Mark Levin and Mike Gallagher propublica wrote:
Other talk show hosts have likened the current pandemic to the H1N1 swine flu, which did not prompt school shutdowns or stay-at-home orders. For instance, a caller to Wendy Bell’s radio show on Pittsburgh’s KDKA on March 19 alleged the news media chose not to “hype” swine flu because it would have destroyed the economy during the burgeoning financial crisis. “Amen,” Bell interjected. She added, “It wasn’t just the media, though. It was a difference in president. So you have [Barack] Obama, who they fiercely defended.”

Bell continued: “Why the fervor to cover this like the plague when legitimately we lost 13,000 Americans? Where was the breathless coverage then? … Why wasn’t the market a complete disaster?” she told her listeners. Experts warn that the coronavirus is more lethal and appears to spread more easily than H1N1.

“You’ve got smart callers on this show, I’ll tell ya what,” Bell said before going to commercial break. KDKA has about 142,000 listeners, according to Nielsen.
When propublica contacted Bell for a comment, her truthiness was exposed:
Bell defended her stance in an email to ProPublica on Monday. “We’d had a total of 200 US deaths from Covid when I said that last week,” Bell wrote. “Compare the numbers. We’ve already had between 18,000 and 22,000 H1N1 deaths this flu season. And it’s been the deadliest for children (particularly ages 0 to 4) in decades.” In fact, as of March 14, there were 149 pediatric deaths from flu, the highest since 262 in 2009-10, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Where’s the panic? The stock market crash? The breathless news coverage? The strict preventive measures? People sheltering in place? The task force? The social distancing? Answer. There hasn’t been any. Why? Connect the dots. You can’t pin seasonal flu on the president. Covid? It’s what Democrats are doing, plain and simple,” she continued.
Yes, but you can pin this nation's response on this president.

For example, this is what he was saying when he could have been mobilizing/preparing the nation for the virus:

And let's not forget that this is a pandemic he was warned about back in January/February.

And now he's itching to ease the social distancing guidelines (to "Reopen America" by Easter). This will only lead to more suffering and more death - all of which will his fault.

I don't listen to Wendy Bell. Has she changed her tune in the past two weeks?


And Wendy if you're reading this and wish to comment, my email address is on the upper right - just click the word Dayvoe and you'll find my email address.


  1. Why didn't Trump close the border with China in January/February?
    Because progressives screamed it was xenophobic.

  2. Why did rump close the border? Becuase he was trying to emulate his idol putin.
    Why is rump trying to be like putin and restrict testing to make the numbers look smaller?
    Why didn't rump listen to his intel in January/February when they warned him prohibiting Chinese travel wasn't enough?
    Why did rump disband the pandemic response team almost three years ago when having their expertise would most likely have prevented most of what we are experiencing?
    Why does rump keep lying about having millions of test kits being sent out when there are no tests?
    Why does rump keep whining about how it is everyone else's fault but his own?
    Why is rump holding vital medical supplies hostage when state's governors' don't properly allow him to bend over so they can kiss his golden a**?
    I could go on but I will await the low loser's reply

  3. Are you really that stupid, or are you educated by people so much smarter than you that they made you stupid?
