April 9, 2020

A Wendy Bell Follow-Up

[Note: She's STILL a horrible person, that'll never change.]

Pittsburgh's own Wendy Bell is making news again. Last time it was for saying something incredibly stupid and racially insensitive. This time, it's for saying something incredibly stupid and cruel.

I posted a partial transcript from her 10 minute long rant yesterday. I just didn't have the stomach to finish. Perhaps today (or tomorrow) I'll finish the transcript (anyone got any Maker's Mark?).

She sheds her human looking skin to reveal her true self with this part:

This is is what she said:
We're told that we need to shut down the economy. There's a cost. Everything shuts down. But to what end? Yes, every life lost is one too many. Yes that's the talking point, that's what we're going to say -
[At this point, she's doing the sort of "blah-blah" hand gesture that usually means "what I am saying is nonsense."]
- but dollars and cents boil down to, "are you going to bankrupt America and the future for less than one percent of our population, many of whom are already ill? Or aged?"
Let's be clear on one thing, Wendy Bell is NOT advocating letting "less than one percent of our population (however "ill" or "aged" they may be)" die just to protect the economy.  She's not.

However, in saying that she's "on a fence" about it, she's simply saying that she's just not convinced that it's a horrible horrible idea.

I can't see how that's any better but it's a necessary point of clarification.

News of her fascism made it onto the pages of the P-G:
KDKA Radio host Wendy Bell is facing backlash on social media Wednesday over comments she made addressing the decision to shut down businesses during the coronavirus pandemic.

Ms. Bell’s name was trending on Twitter after a clip surfaced of the former WTAE-TV anchor questioning the government’s decision to risk a potential economic shutdown in order to save a small percentage of lives from the virus. The comments were made on-air in the KDKA Radio studio Sunday while Ms. Bell streamed a 10-minute segment on Facebook Live.
And the Pittsburgh City Paper:
On Sun., April 5, Wendy Bell gave a monologue on her KDKA radio show similar to what some other right-wing radio hosts have espoused. She questioned if it was worth shutting down many parts of the American economy to avoid millions of Americans dying from coronavirus.
And they point out something that the coriaceous Ms Bell missed:
If 1% of the U.S. population were to die from COVID-19, the country would lose more than 3.2 million people. Economic experts have said such a large population loss could still result in a powerful negative effect on the U.S. economy.
Still, she's horrid.


  1. GFY Dayvoe.

    We should not give up our Constitutional Rights to save millions/thousands of lives from the Wuhan Virus.

  2. So you don't like what she said... I get it. But that part about having KDKA take her off the air? Why do you go there? Why do libs try to "cancel" people with whom they disagree? I have no idea about your politics --just a guess :)

  3. “Industry, technology, and commerce can thrive only as long as an idealistic national community offers the necessary preconditions. And these do not lie in material egoism, but in a spirit of sacrifice and joyful renunciation.”
