August 27, 2020

Ivanka Trump's Voice

What am especially not looking forward to tonight is Ivanka Trump's speech. Oh sure it will be full of outright lies and bullshit like the rest of the speakers, but it's her voice that really gets to me.

Ivanka Trump's voice is the aural equivalent of all the plastic surgery that she's had done to her face and body.

Ivanka Trump's voice is as fake in its own way as when Maddona donned a British accent.

Ivanka Trump's voice is meant to be Posh Trump, as well as Soothing Trump.

Ivanka Trump's voice is the voice of the announcements made on Snowpiercer telling you how many days you've been on the train and the number of cars.

Ivanka Trump's voice is the sound of a futuristic robot pitching you a brand new skin suit to replace your outdated one.

Ivanka Trump's voice is the last sound you'll hear when it calmly tells you what line to get into to be turned into Soylent Green.

Ivanka Trump's voice is the sound of evil.

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