December 11, 2020

Look At Who Wendy Bell Is Interviewing TODAY!

 From her Facebook page:

I have a BIG SHOW planned today at 11AM sharp!! Joining me will be James Lyons-Weiler, PhD whose impassioned plea on the rotunda steps in Harrisburg against the politicization of not just Covid-19 but the VACCINES being fast-tracked to immunize us against it has GONE VIRAL!!

So who is this James Lyons-Weiler, PhD?

He's the subject of this scientific paper, by the way:

Dr James Lyons-Weiler, the CEO of the “Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge,” made an appalling online statement on 3 February 2020, which claimed the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) responsible for the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic was most likely constructed via laboratory recombination []. In the results, he showed SARS-CoV-2 had a unique inserted sequence (1378 bp) located in the middle of its spike glycoprotein gene that had no match in other coronaviruses (Supplementary Figure 1). Furthermore, he claimed this unique sequence was similar to some sequence in pShuttle-SN (Supplementary Figure 2), a common expression vector used in research laboratory.

To check on his claim, we ran a thorough analysis on his results, and found some serious mistakes in his distorted analysis. Thus, we drew an opposite conclusion that there was no evidence to support the theory for the formation of SARS-CoV-2 in a laboratory.

Of course science is right and James Lyons-Weiler, PhD is wrong. The virus was not created in a lab.

Also, he's not an immunologist. And he is an anti-vaxxer:

Now, by any stretch of the imagination, James Lyons-Weiler is antivaccine. You might remember him ranting about who killed Colton Berrett Colton Berrett, as you might recall, is the unfortunate teen who developed the rare condition called transverse myelitis that one of his arms useless, the other almost useless, and him on a portable ventilator, paralyzed. Antivaxers blamed it on Gardasil, although the temporal relationship between Colton’s receiving the shot and the onset of his symptoms was tenuous at best. Ultimately, he committed suicide, leading to a “Gardasil killed Colton Berrett” narrative making its way around the Internet. His antivax cred is impeccable, particularly his ability to claim that he’s read far more studies on vaccines than is humanly possible and praising horribly awful antivaccine studies. Yet, in some quarters, he is not sufficiently antivaccine. I kid you not.

Don't believe the above? Check out Lyons-Weiler, PhD's own words:

[Vaccine] Mandates without exemptions create a situation where those who are destined to be injured by vaccines will be found, and injured, with mathematical certainty.

Mandates for vaccines are, for some,

Mandatory death sentences, for having the wrong genes.

Mandated Guillan Barre Syndrome.

Mandated lifetime paralysis.

Mandated lifetime autoimmunity.

Mandated food allergies.

Mandated encephalopathy, leading to autism, for millions.

And so on. Vaccines leading to autism = anti-vaxxer.

So he's not an immunologist and he is an anti-vaxxer speaking with the Angel of Death about the COVID-19 vaccines. What could possible go wrong with this discussion??

You're going to get more people sick and some of those people may die, Wendy. You know that, right?