February 16, 2021

Calling Rep Guy Reschenthaler on His BS

On February 14, Guy tweeted:

And a few hours later KDKA reported this

Republican leaders from several Pennsylvania counties have voted to censure Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) over his vote to convict President Donald Trump during his second impeachment trial.

Following his vote to convict, Toomey said in part of the former President that “His betrayal of the Constitution and his oath of office required conviction.”

KDKA added a few paragraphs later:

Republican leaders from other counties including Lawrence, Washington, York, and Centre County have also voted to censure Toomey.

Did you know that Guy Reschenthaler represents Pennsylvania's 14th Congressional district and that district includes all of Washington County? 

Newsweek has more on the guy running the Trump show in Washington County:

The chair of the Republican Party in Washington County, Pennsylvania has strongly criticized Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) for voting to convict former President Donald Trump.

David Ball told local CBS affiliate KDKA on Monday that state Republicans had sent Toomey to Washington to represent them and argued that he should have toed the party line.

"We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing," Ball said. "We sent him there to represent us."

Again, this is Guy's district and Guy said the GOP is a big party that encourages differing ideas and promotes robust debate. 

Perhaps someone should tell that to David Ball of the Washington County GOP.

Did you know that the Washington County GOP website has contact info for Mr Ball?

If you're so inclined to point out his (and his party's) BS, feel free to contact him at the email address provided to you by the the Washington County GOP.

Of course, Ryan Deto covered this already: