Democracy Has Prevailed.

February 2, 2021

Representative Guy Reschenthaler Is Being Dishonest With His FB Memes.

Today, Representative Guy Reschenthaler posted this on this Facebook page:

His text reads:

Two weeks in and Joe Biden has already killed 1.5 million jobs. His promises to help our economy recover are empty thanks to his all-out war on blue-collar workers. [Emphasis added.]

 Already? Wow - what are his sources for this devastating information?

Look down in the lower right hand corner it reads:

Source: The Heritage Foundation, TC Energy and API

Hmm. I wonder if they say what Guy says they say. Don't you?

Heritage Foundation on the 400,000 jobs lost by rejoining the Paris Accords:

Based on regulations and emissions reduction targets set by the Obama administration, Heritage economists estimate that by 2035 there will be: an annual average loss of nearly 400,000 jobs, a total income loss of more than $20,000 for a family of four, and an aggregate GDP loss of over $2.5 trillion – all for a few tenths of a degree Celsius in abated warming,” says report author Nick Loris. [Emphasis added.]

You'll note that this is an update of an article from 2016 - so it's not new. However look at the text. It says that the Heritage Foundation economists estimate that by 2035 there'll be an annual yearly loss of 400,000 jobs., meaning that by that point (which is 15 years from now) the average annual job loss would be 400,000

But didn't Guy say that Biden has already killed that number of jobs in only two weeks?

Yes, yes he did.

Lie #1 from Guy Reschenthaler.

TC Energy on the 11,000 jobs lost by Biden stopping the Keystone Pipeline:

The pipeline company TC Energy told AFP in an email that the lost jobs are below any of the cited figures.

“This is to confirm that 1,000 unionized jobs will be lost with the presidential permit being revoked for Keystone XL,” said Terry Cunha, a spokesman for the Calgary-based firm. 

“Jobs will be lost in Canada and the US,” he added later, referring to the 1,000 positions.

Didn't Guy say that TC Energy said that 11,000 jobs? But didn't TC Energy say that it's 1,000 American and Canadian jobs?

Yes, and yes.

Lie #2 from Guy Reschenthaler.

The API (that's the American Petroleum Institute, of course) on the 1,000,000 jobs lost due to Biden's pause on new oil leases on Federal land:

Nearly one million jobs would be lost by 2022, with top production-states suffering significant losses.

As with the Heritage Foundation "research" this is not new. The report is from last September.

Didn't Guy say that these jobs were already killed in the past two weeks by President Biden's actions?

Yes he did.

Lie #3 from Guy Reschenthaler.

Guy should show his constituents more respect and not lie to them so often.