March 10, 2021

Some Poll Data (On President Biden, His Management of Covid-19 and the Covid Relief Bill)

Usually, I shy away from blogging on polling data - if only for the reason that its viable shelf life can be clocked with an egg timer.

On the other hand, recognizing that it's simply a snapshot, a look at some polling data might be a good idea.

President Biden approval rating:

This is the chart as I found it this morning at FiveThirtyEight.

For the record, I don't ever think Donald Trump was 15 points above water (Note: "above water" being defined here as the difference between the approval and disapproval rates. If the number is positive, it's "above water.")

At this point 4 years ago, Trump was 4.5 points below water and he was only "above water" for the first two weeks, or so, of his presidency, according to FiveThirtyEight.

FiveThirtyEight also has some poll data on the country's approval rate for how President Biden is dealing with Covid-19:

 As of this date, 61% approve, 31.8% disapprove.

How 'bout that Coronavirus Relief Package working its way to President Biden's desk?

Pew Research has some data on that:

As the House of Representatives prepares to give final approval to the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, a sizable majority of U.S. adults (70%) say they favor the legislation. Only about three-in-ten (28%) oppose the bill, which provides economic aid to businesses, individuals and state and local governments.

There's even some art work:

Note that the support includes 41% of Republicans and those who "lean Republican."

So I guess you can say that support for the bill is bipartisan among voters while being deeply partisan among the politicians in DC.

Congressional republicans don't support the bill while there's bipartisan support for it out in the country.

Tell me again, which party is out of touch?