May 19, 2021

Not Sure How I Feel About This (Judge Patricia McCullough LOSES)

ICYMI, here is the result of last night's Republican primary election for the open seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court:

Judge Patricia McCullough, Judge on the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania (and, of course, Chuck McCullough's wife) lost last night by around 159,000 votes.

I am not sure to be happy or sad about this news.

It would have been loads of fun blogging about her campaign, reminding the public of her part in her husband's felonious actions.

Alas, this was not to be.

The winner, Judge Kevin Brobson (also of the Commonwealth Court) seems to be a (relatively) old school conservative jurist.

From his campaign website:

All Pennsylvanians deserve to have faith in a fair and impartial judiciary. I entered this race to offer a new voice and a new perspective for Pennsylvanians on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. I will not legislate from the bench.

Luckily for Pennsylvania, he's doesn't seem to be Q-tinged at all.