May 22, 2021

So How Far DID State Senator Mastriano Get On January 6?

I stumbled across an interesting tweet this afternoon.

Take a look:

Note: PA Representative Brian Simms retweeted this earlier today.

For reference, this is what Doug Mastriano looked like on January 6:

Doug is on the left ("...on the left" Ha! I made a funny!) and the shorter, older guy in the blue Trump had is Rick Saccone, the Bible-loving, Sharia hating, waterboard supporting former Pennsylvania State legislator.

Back to Doug. Look at the hat and the coat and the scarf in the pictures below and above. Is this him?

It looks an awful lot like him. I'm just saying.

Anyway, back to Doug. If that's not enough for you, K2theSky also snagged this image from an Instagram video:

The person in the yellow oval is reportedly Mastriano's wife. If you need some help, take a look at this:

You see that guy in the lower right hand corner of the image? With the chin beard and the cap with the red brim?

In the video, he's removing the barricades (marked with "Property of US Capitol Police") from the walkway. If you watch the video carefully there's a guy who looks an awful lot like State Senator Doug Mastriano (see the yellow circle on the left) among the surging throng of Trump supporters. This guy  watches the many assaults on the Capitol Police and then, after the path cleared by the guy with a "Free Kyle" hoodie, walks right on through.

Of course, the "Free Kyle" on that hoodie would refer to Kyle Rittenhouse - alleged killer of two during a protest against police brutality in Wisconsin this past summer.

Anyway, back to Doug, the guy who looks conspicuously like State Senator Doug Mastriano who's seen walking past the moved barricades.

But let's remember what he told The Pittsburgh City Paper:

Later in the day on Jan. 6, Mastriano posted an official statement saying that while he and his wife were in D.C. to attend the rally, but that they both left the area when "it was apparent that this was no longer a peaceful protest." He added that "those who violated those laws must be prosecuted.”

 “As a military veteran and retired colonel, I do not – nor would I ever – condone the violence we saw today. I join with all patriotic Americans in condemning what occurred in the Capitol," said Mastriano in a statement. “My position on lawlessness is equally as clear. When it was apparent that this was no longer a peaceful protest, my wife and I left the area and made our way out of the area. At no point did we enter the Capitol building, walk on the Capitol steps or go beyond police lines."[Emphasis added.]

Sorry, but it looks an awful lot like he did. And he did so willingly.

Those who violated the laws must be prosecuted.