May 11, 2021

THIS Is How Judge McCullough Hopes To Win Votes?

Ok, so here's the frame from our friends at KDKA:

One seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is up for election this year.

That’s to succeed former Chief Justice Tom Saylor, a Republican, who retires at the end of this year.

There is a heated battle for the Republican nomination for this seat.

There are three Republicans vying for this nomination and one of them is Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough.

Long time readers of this blog will remember something our friends at KDKA chose not to tell you - that her husband, Charles P. McCullough, is now doing time in prison for misappropriation of funds and that she's part of the story.

But back to Pat. This is how she's promoting herself to the voters in this primary:

“I am the only candidate I know that had a tweet from President Donald Trump, and Donald Trump actually tweeted that I was a brilliant woman of courage,” says Judge Patricia McCullough.

McCullough of Allegheny County serves on the Commonwealth Court, and she says no one beats her work on the bench for upholding conservative principles.

“I was the only judge in the entire country to enter an order to halt the certification of the 2020 presidential election results,” says McCullough.

Your Honor, I am not sure this is as good a point to make as you might think. Were you to win this nomination, are you really going to try gain the trust of the many many Democratic voters in this state by pushing the big lie about the 2020 election?

While that might work with Pennsylvania Republicans, it won't work with Pennsylvania Democrats or with reality in general.

Good luck with this, Your Honor.