May 6, 2021

Um, What's Going On With Wendy Bell And WJAS?

In case you missed it, earlier today this tweet was twitted on twitter:

And if you're wondering if our Wendy has been FIRED, Jon answered that in yet another tweet he twitted on twitter:

Coincidentally, this popped up in my newsfeed this afternoon as I was learning about Wendy's shrinking media empire:

Neurological and psychiatric experts are seeing more reports of COVID-19 sufferers developing psychotic symptoms, even when they have no prior history of mental illness. While rare, the condition can be severe enough to require hospitalization.

Symptoms may include hallucinations, unusual agitation, restlessness preoccupation, paranoid beliefs, decreased need for sleep and impulsive behavior, said Dr. Jonathan Alpert, a professor of psychiatry, neuroscience and pediatrics at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.

For months Wendy Bell has been telling her audience that 99% of those who get Covid-19 will be just fine.

Tell that to those people (even if rare) who are now suffering from COVID psychosis, Wendy.

This has always been the danger posed by Wendy Bell. Even though her husband is an actual medical doctor, she's been routinely downplaying the severity of the virus (she even got factchecked by Politifact) or the effectiveness of the vaccines.

How many people will suffer simply because they believe what Wendy Bell is telling them?