June 23, 2021

It's A Wednesday And That Means One Thing: Wendy Bell Is Lying

Last night, Wendy Bell tweeted:

But, let me ask a question: Is that the complete context of the Press Secretary Jen Psaki's answer?

No. And this is where Wendy is lying.

Let's go to the official record. Immediately preceding the "game plan" question, Psaki said this:

But we also are honest about where we need to continue to redouble our efforts.  And that’s among people who are 18 to 26.  That is a small — relatively small demographic of the country, but one where there needs to be continued work.  And we’re going to use every tool at our disposal to push for that. [Emphasis added.]

That's the "young people" they were discussing, Wendy. Not "it's children" as you misled your twitter followers with. Or do you really think that a 24 year old is a child?

And why is this demographic so important?

There's this from the AP:

More than 70% of Americans age 30 or older have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, the White House said, even as President Joe Biden is set to fall short of reaching his goal of giving a shot to the same percentage of all American adults by Independence Day.

The Biden administration is releasing the new data Tuesday showing it expects to reach 70% of Americans age 27 or older with at least one shot by the July 4 holiday. A White House official said it is now redoubling its focus on vaccinating younger Americans age 18-26, who have proved to be least likely to get a vaccine when it’s available for them.

And is the vaccine safe for 18 to 26 year olds?


It's the fear-mongering of anti-vaxxers like Wendy Bell who are the clear and present danger to the general health of the population. The more people who believe her the greater the chance the virus has to mutate. And perhaps into one that can get around the current vaccines, causing even more damage.

Wendy Bell, the Angel of Death.