June 21, 2021

Wendy Bell Was Right - She DID Get Fact-Checked!

From Friday:

And if you go to her FB page now you'll see this below the two BS Board images:

Which then leads to this:

Did the mail-in vote count (2,589,242) in the presidential election in Pennsylvania exceed the actual number of ballots sent to voters (supposedly 1,823,148) and were 1,126,940 votes "created out of thin air"? No, that's not true: The Pennsylvania Department of State's website for election returns shows that about 2.6 million mail-in ballots had indeed been counted as of November 27,2020. More than 3 million voters had requested mail-in ballots as of the October 27, 2020 deadline, according to a news release the same day from Governor Tom Wolf's office. The 1,823,148 number appears to be the number of mail-in ballots requested for the June 2, 2020 primary election in Pennsylvania, not the November 3, 2020 election.

And so on. We've been here before. Blah-blah-blah. Yadda-yadda. (I mentioned the bisque.) 

But this got me to wondering, just how often HAS 3 Percenter Wendy Bell, the Angel of Death been factchecked (present company and Facebook excluded)?

Let's go see.

05 29 21 - Science Feedback

Inadequate support: Death reports in the U.S. VAERS database contain unverified information and cannot demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccines caused the death of recipients.
Lack of context: The rate of COVID-19 survival alone is insufficient to estimate the risks of the disease. Even if a person only had mild symptoms, COVID-19 infections can lead to long-lasting effects after recovery, such as fatigue, cognitive issues, and tissue damage.

04 18 21 - Politifact:

In a recent video posted to Facebook, conservative commentator Wendy Bell complains about people who wear face masks, and around the 1:07-minute mark, says: "You’re afraid of a freaking virus that has killed less people than the damn flu?"


We rate this claim False.

04 02 21 - Factcheck.org:

A conservative talk radio host recently told her listeners that because of a change in death certificate procedures specific to COVID-19, “there is a huge chance that COVID death numbers are exaggerated, to the tune of 94%.”

That’s false. It’s based on a flawed report whose authors also have penned related claims for an anti-vaccination organization.

Wendy Bell, the radio host, made the claim in a March 25 episode of her Pennsylvania-based show. The show was streamed live on Facebook in a video titled, “Has the CDC skewed Covid Fatalities?” It has been viewed more than 34,000 times.

11 03 2020 - Reuters:

Radio host Wendy Bell posted on her Facebook page ( here ) that “thousands of Pennsylvania voters in York, Lebanon, and Dauphin counties” had received the quarantine letters. “Do you believe the Wolf administration is attempting to silence voters -- hours before the most important election in American history?” she asks. Other iterations of the post can be found here and here .

These quarantine letters are not new, and so do not mention voting or Election Day, but they do direct people to self-quarantine in their homes.

11 03 20 - USAToday

Conservative commentator Wendy Bell claimed Monday that the Pennsylvania Department of Health sent letters to “thousands of Pennsylvania voters” demanding they quarantine for 14 days after an uptick in cases. She said that there is no proof the people who received the letters were exposed to the virus – and that those people can’t vote in person on Election Day, supposedly at risk of arrest.

She claimed Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration played a role in the letters.


The claim that Pennsylvania officials are “attempting to silence voters” exposed to COVID-19 by telling them via letter they can’t vote in person is FALSE. Letters have been sent to coronavirus-exposed Pennsylvanians since the beginning of the pandemic, and the letters make no mention of the election.

11 02 20 - The AP

Conservative commentator Wendy Bell falsely claimed Monday that the administration of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is attempting to "silence voters" by ordering people who were potentially exposed to the coronavirus to stay home on Election Day.

Wendy? Ms Bell? You were once a respected local journalist, right?


How does it feel for you to be negatively fact checked by the likes of such heavy-hitting news organizations as AP or Reuters?  Or moderately-hitting news organizations like USAToday? Or by both major news-based fact-checking sources?

That's gotta sting, right? Just a little?

If it doesn't it should.