July 12, 2021

Wendy Bell, Spreads The Good MAGA News!

Hey, y'inzguyz remember this blog post from nearly a week ago?

That's the one where that nice white lady in that very comfortable house lectures America about (among other things) race:

Race: If your race defines who you are, you will forever be enslaved by victimhood. Americans don’t hate each other based on appearance. We see through the constant race-baiting the media peddles, and we’re done with it.

Yea, tone-deaf, near-sighted Wendy Bell speaks for all the patriotic patriots in America and defines racism for all the POC who just happen to also live there.

What's that got to do with anything this fine fine Monday morning?

Well she's taking the show on the road.

To upstate New York, in fact, to the letters page at a news outlet called My Little Falls:

Race: If your race defines who you are, you will forever be enslaved by victimhood. Americans don’t hate each other based on appearance. We see through the constant race-baiting the media peddles, and we’re done with it.

And so on...

From the website's about page:

My Little Falls is a local media company covering the City of Little Falls, Town of Little Falls, Dolgeville, Salisbury...
Here's an interesting here-to-fore little-known fact, one that's completely pertinent to the present discussion: The City of Little Falls, NY is a 6-7 hour car ride from Pittsburgh.

Um, I have questions:

  • Why on Earth would Wendy Bell submit that slimy piece of MAGA crap to a small news outlet in central New York State?
  • Did she submit it elsewhere?
  • Where?  
  • Is she that needy for attention that this is a solution?

Monday, Monday. Can't trust that day.