August 11, 2021

State Senator Doug Mastriano, IN THE NEWS

And it's not good news for Mastriano.

From the AP (by way of the PG):

A Republican-majority county board in rural northern Pennsylvania on Tuesday accused a state senator of creating “unnecessary chaos” in pushing for a detailed review of how the county collected and counted votes in former President Donald Trump’s reelection defeat last year.

The three Tioga County commissioners all read portions of a statement at a board meeting urging state Sen. Doug Mastriano to reverse his demand that Tioga and two other counties turn over election records and equipment to the Intergovernmental Operations Committee he chairs.

“It is time for Sen. Mastriano to withdraw his demands and to let responsible Republicans get back to work on subjects such as recovering from COVID-19, addressing the opioid crisis and the ‘help wanted’ issue,” the statement said.

Here's the statement, in the event you wanted to read it yourself. 

Here's the result (so far) of Mastriano's quest for that sweet sweet voter info:

Democratic-heavy Philadelphia County’s elections board voted unanimously not to comply. Tioga also turned him down. York County, with a strong Republican majority of voters, raised concerns about his demands but has not expressly said yes or no.

In tiny Fulton County, which did allow third parties to examine its election records and equipment earlier this year, the Department of State has decertified its voting machines, leaving the county with the large and unanticipated expense of replacing them. Other counties have been similarly warned against allowing such access.

So it's a loss for Mastriano, so far.

Let's not forget how entwined he is in Trump's election deception.

When is Trump going to be reinstalled, Doug? Wasn't going to happen this month?