December 11, 2021

More January 6 Subpoenas, My Friends! (A SW PA Connection)

CNN (among many others) has the story

The House select committee investigating the January 6 riot at the US Capitol issued six additional subpoenas Friday, including one to former aide to former President Donald Trump and current Ohio congressional candidate Max Miller.

The targets in this subpoena group were involved in the planning of the rallies on January 5 and 6 leading up to the violent attack, and the group includes individuals who coordinated the rally planning directly with Trump.

Representative Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), chair of the committee, issued this statement: 

The Select Committee is seeking information from individuals who were involved in or witnesses to the coordination and planning of the events leading up to the violent attack on our democracy on January 6th. Some of the witnesses we subpoenaed today apparently worked to stage the rallies on January 5th and 6th, and some appeared to have had direct communication with the former President regarding the rally at the Ellipse directly preceding the attack on the U.S. Capitol. The Select Committee expects these witnesses to join the hundreds of individuals who have already cooperated with our investigation as we work to provide the American people with answers about what happened on January 6th and ensure nothing like that day ever happens again.

And there's one name out of the six that I want to focus on:

Kimberly Fletcher and her organization, Moms for America, helped organize the January 5th rally at Freedom Plaza and January 6th rally at the Ellipse supporting the former President Trump’s allegations of election fraud.

Sometime ago I did a deep dive into the organizations attached to the January 6 rallies, among them Mom For America.

Guess who I found on the Advisory Board:

That's right. Jim Quinn's one time sidekick and old time birther Rose Tennent.

She was also listed (along with Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano) as among the "Invited Speakers and Special Guests" at the Stop The Steal rally on January 6.

But back to The Committee and Kimberly Fletcher. This is from the letter The Committee sent to Ms Fletcher:

Rose, do you think your name will come up in Fletcher's testimony?

I mean it's a safe assumption to say that you, too, were "an organizer of and a participant in" the rally, right?

You also spoke at that January 5 rally, right?

(I'll answer for you: yes, you were)

So, Rose Tennent, do you think you'll be subpoenaed for your testimony regarding your involvement in the events of that day?