January 10, 2022

Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano Announces For Governor!

Look how many people where there!

And look how many are masked!

Hey, look who was there!

Um, isn't that Wendy Bell and her husband Dr. Joe O'Toole?

Is there any verifying video of Dr. Joe being by Wendy's side at this Mastriano superspreader event?

Yes, there is:

Praising Doug Mastriano's honesty is a stretch, don't you think, Dr Joe? I mean there's this:

Internet sleuths have unearthed video from the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol that appears to show Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano was much closer to clashes with police than earlier statements about his whereabouts that day indicated. 


After photos emerged of Mastriano posing on Capitol grounds with former State Rep. Rick Saccone not long before the breach, the senator was quick to state that he had personally steered clear of police barricades and left soon afterward.

“When it was apparent that this was no longer a peaceful protest, my wife and I left the area and made our way out of the area,” Mastriano said. “At no point did we enter the Capitol building, walk on the Capitol steps, or go beyond police lines.” 


Yet over the weekend, individuals using the hashtag “#SeditionHunters,” which has been used to crowdsource information about the riot from social media and many hours of streamed video, uncovered screenshots that appear to show Mastriano much closer to the action.

In one, he is visible standing on the Capitol lawn with his wife. In another, Mastriano appears poised to stroll past police barricades as rioters push past them. 

Um, doesn't this mean that Doug Mastriano lied?

Didn't Doug also take an oath to "obey and defend" The Constitution? How do you call him "honest" when he, in violation of that oath actively participated in Trump's attempts to overturn the election?  

And Dr O'Toole, does UPMC know that you were there, maskless, at what certainly looks like a Covid superspreader event?

So who else was there?

The York Daily Record has some info:

Mastriano is part of a cadre of military men who have worked to convince Americans the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent. He was flanked at his Saturday announcement by former Army Gen. Michael Flynn, who peddled unproven conspiracy theories that voting machines were hacked by the Chinese government to make Trump lose. Jenna Ellis, a Trump attorney who worked to overturn election results, also appeared with Mastriano.

 That would be one-time QAnon supporter Mike Flynn who admitted to lying to the FBI. And I say "one-time QAnon supporter" because:

Michael Flynn, who once filmed his family at a July 4 barbecue saying the QAnon oath, “Where we go one, we go all,” said in private that the Q conspiracy theory was “total nonsense” and a “disinformation campaign created by the left.”

In a recording of a phone call purportedly between Trump lawyer Lin Wood and Flynn released late Saturday night, Trump’s disgraced former national security advisor said of QAnon, “I think it’s a disinformation campaign that the CIA created. That’s what I believe. Now, I don’t know that for a fact, but that’s what I think it is. I think it’s a disinformation campaign.”

Did everyone at that Mastriano Superspreader event know that Mike Flynn thinks that QAnon is nonsense?

Finally there's this:

If you needed a refresher in what Everett Stern said about the Patriot Caucus, go here.

If you needed an update on all the "cadre of military men" involved with the Trump-coup go here

But one point to reiterate: Does the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) know that one of their doctors (cardiologist Joe O'Toole, MD) was at what looks like a huge (and thus quite dangerous) indoor Covid superspreader event? Do the other doctors and nurses and various aides who work along side him know?

Just asking.