January 18, 2022

We Have An Answer! (PA Forged Electoral Certificate Story)

Former Tribune-Review investigative reporter Mike Wereschagin now working in Harrisburg filed this story yesterday at Lancasteronline:

An effort by former President Donald Trump’s campaign legal team to get Republicans in key swing states to send alternate slates of electors to Washington ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, election certification hit a snag in Pennsylvania when GOP leaders here balked, documents and interviews show.

Documents obtained by the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit American Oversight show Trump electors in five swing states signed documents wrongly declaring a Trump victory as they attempted to cast their states’ electoral votes for Trump.

Republican electors in two other states — Pennsylvania and Nevada — hedged the language on their certificates to say they’d cast their votes for Trump only if his election challenges succeeded in the courts.

This was yesterday, Janaury 17.

I had this story on January 13 - 4 days earlier.

Hey Mike! Nice to see you!

But as Mike has far more resources than yours truly, he does have some interesting info on why the PA GOPers hedged the language:

While Trump supporters in five states used identical language outright declaring themselves “the duly elected and qualified electors,” their Pennsylvania counterparts insisted on saying they would only cast their votes for Trump “if, as a result of a final non-appealable court order or other proceeding prescribed by law, we are ultimately recognized as being the duly elected and qualified electors.” Trump electors in New Mexico added similar language.

We were not going to sign unless the language was changed to say ‘if.’ This was in no way, shape or form us trying to go around the election,” said Allegheny County Republican Committee Chairman and Trump elector Sam DeMarco. DeMarco has been among the highest-profile Republicans in the state to push back against false allegations of widespread fraud in the 2020 election made by Trump and his allies. [Emphasis added.]

And this is what I wrote on the 13th:

For some reason [the Pennsylvania GOP electors] felt compelled to give themselves some sort of political cover. Why?

If only to show that they knew how fishy the original text was?

So I guess I was right? The PAGOP "electors" saw that the text that just happened to be used verbatim in five other states was an attempt "to go around the election" as DeMarco remarked?

Nice to get confirmed.

Hey, Mike! Any news on whether they hedged the language waiting for Trump v Broockvar?

Asking for a friend, my friend.

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