February 5, 2022

PA Senator Doug Mastriano - Isn't This A Tad Hypocritical?

Yesterday, on his Facebook Page, Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano posted this:

Ostensibly, he's letting his constituents know about something called the Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund so that they can take advantage of it, if they wish. It is, as he says, for homeowners who are "facing financial hardship due to COVID-19."

But once you start to unwrap the Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund you'll begin to see Doug's hypocrisy.

For starters, it was a program announced a month or so ago by our Democratic governor:

Governor Tom Wolf announced the statewide launch of the Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund, or PAHAF, administered by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency. PHFA’s plan for administration of the PAHAF has been approved by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. PAHAF applications will open to eligible Pennsylvania homeowners beginning February 1.
Not only that but just one paragraph separates the above from this:

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was awarded more than $350 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds through the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF).[Emphasis added.]

Did you see it? Did you see what PA Senator Doug Mastriano decided not to show you? I emphasized it to make it easier to see.

It's also known as the COVID-19 Stimulus plan though officially, it's the American Rescue Act of 2021.

Yea, that's the legislation that made it through Congress with no Republican support.

That means that every GOP House member from Pennsylvania voted against it:

But PA State Senator Doug Mastriano didn't tell you any of that that, did he?

Doug, isn't that kind of, uh - I don't know, hypocritical? Your entire party is against a piece of legislation but here you are letting your constituents know about it (without telling them your party's against it) so that they can take advantage of it if they need to.

How politically cowardly is that?

Shouldn't you, instead, be preparing your legal defense for when/if Congress calls you to testify for your actions leading up to and including Trump's attempted coup?